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Mbeesha and his son, Nichole and SissyMarySue 


What's New

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Musical Plays- We share Best Practices

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We encourage the involvement of the entire school through creative play pedagogy in the safety of their classrooms

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play

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We are grateful for opportunities
to share our one act as a;
SEL, Creative Play, Clean Water, Shared Humanity, animal conservation—multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary tool for students at high school, middle school or elementary level! Messsage us to find out how to produce this at your school in the USA or anywhere in the world. We will share how to get access to our script and songs!

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play -while involving the entire school- especially to recognize and include the students not performing in the play. We see this as an all inclusive way to involve everyone in the arts and with the multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary content. This encourages all students in a school with Creative Play Pedagogy to play through scenes in the emotional safety of their own classroom, explore foreign language iterations of them, as well as writing, music, singing, visual art, mini set design, science, with -clean water, animal conservation and culturally specific dioramas, puppets and so on!

Keynotes - Paris,France!


Well-Being, PLAY, and FUN FUTURE - TV Programs for YOUTH ! We are planning more than one- children's Television Show based on characters from SissyMarySue books, as well as NEW characters. We are planning a two aviiation focused shows. One for younger youth and one for older youth-to interest them with aviation, careers and for overall empowetment. 

For we as nonproftit seek to encouarge inclusion in the field of aviation! We envsion kids  imagining themselves in the field of aviation in watching our nonprofit produced affirming, encouraging, educational programs.

One TV program is derived in part from the plan created by Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser-Tingblad in her previous studies before she graduated. One working title is SissyMarySue World School House. That name may still be adpated. STAY TUNED!!

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One Act Musical & Book

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 Song About Empathy- Sparkle Sparkle


           Remastered SINGLE: One Child Cries 

Thanks to Anthony!  The lyrics/words for the song- in            EMPATHY AIRLINES (2019) FREE-YOUTUBE

One Child Cries SingleART (1).jpg
Album1 Art.png

December of 2023 8th & 9th

Performed by 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders at Lakes International Language Academy Lower School (LILA Lower)

Directed by:
Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser-Tingblad a.k.a SissyMarySue

Co & Tech Directed by:
Intern Tristen Ray

Assistant Directors:
Lynsie Finamore
Isabella Boras
Jay Dreher

Script & Lyrics by:


Nov. 2018 &

April 4.5 2019!



Montainge Medal, Globally Mindful, Mom's Choice,

Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope

Directed by

Carrie Carlson

Script & Lyrics by SissyMarySue


Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope is a play for our times.  I saw it in a children’s theater (Hanifl Performing Arts Center), but was aware that the audience, made up of many adults as well, were enthralled with the message of love and understanding empathy. We as a culture are hungry for this message.  The story embraced us all.

Karen Monson MA


A delightful musical play with a message of compassion that is a life's lesson for the young performers and audience of all ages. Sandy Schley PhD




(Virtual Author) CILC



Listed as:

Author SissyMarySue

(Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser)


The unlikely pairing of a sad little girl and a captured cheetah discover how much they share in common when they embark on an adventure in friendship. They've both experienced profound loss, but persevere through sharing empathy, kindness, joy, and love. Together they learn about their connection to the human family and to all, which provides for their self-esteem and a feeling of wholeness.

The book and plays empower youth with empathy to spring into compassionate action!

Compassionate action refers to the positive impact youth can make in their communities and in the world by caring about the plight of all people. Set in Tanzania, Africa with the Barabaig tribe, the book encourages youth to identify with the characters as they experience difficulty, persevere, model empathy, and then are shown empathy by the tribe. Together, these special friends punctuate our interconnections and further demonstrate our connection to all, including the endangered cheetah, showing that we all belong.

Rachel Anderson interviewed Wendy and reviewed the Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope children's book. 

- - - - - - - - -

Read All About it


Read all about the author Dr. Wendy

Muhlhauser-Tingblad and how Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope story began as a tool for teaching EMPATHY!


APA Citation

Muhlhauser, W. J. (2021). Creative Play for Teaching Empathy to Young Children: an Inner Exploration of an Instructor's Process, a Visual and Narrative Journey (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Graduate University).


See documentary HERE 






    Visit   SissyMarySue   on Youtube

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Screenshot 2023-09-15 161205.png

We are grateful for opportunities
to share our one act as a;
SEL, Creative Play, Clean Water, Shared Humanity, animal conservation—multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary tool for students at high school, middle school or elementary level! Messsage us to find out how to produce this at your school in the USA or anywhere in the world. We will share how to get access to our script and songs!

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play -while involving the entire school- especially to recognize and include the students not performing in the play. We see this as an all inclusive way to involve everyone in the arts and with the multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary content. This encourages all students in a school with Creative Play Pedagogy to play through scenes in the emotional safety of their own classroom, explore foreign language iterations of them, as well as writing, music, singing, visual art, mini set design, science, with -clean water, animal conservation and culturally specific dioramas, puppets and so on!

We encourage the involvement of the entire school through creative play pedagogy in the safety of their classrooms

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play

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Educational TV 

SissyMarySue'sworldhouseopenimage1 (3).jpeg

Listen to SissyMarySue's Poem/Song inspired... 
 by Barabaig TRIBE- TO SIMPLY BE

We go through life quite a while

Logging many an emotional mile 

Before it becomes clear 

The beauty of life has always been here

We had been too consumed to see

The simplicity and beauty

to simply be!   

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Barabaig Tribe

         Following an inspirational humanitarian trip to Tanzania, Africa, I was compelled to offer programs, in schools to teach about the beauty of the Barabaig tribe's culture, as well as, to inform about the scarcity of basic needs for most in the world. I wanted to inform too about the need for clean water-that we had provided in the form of an earth dam. I also sought to punctuate our shared humanity that we are the human family as well as, having a heart of service to others. This tribe had much to teach us about the beauty of knowing, how to simply be. They were emotionally available, loving, grateful, peaceful and harmonious people, living simply, in a village. 
    First, I taught about the tribe, in schools for four years. Next, I found myself compelled to write a children's book offering a unique, fictional main character to interest and ignite student's imaginations. My hope was that this book could more effectively teach empathy in general, as well as, how it relates to caring about the plight of all people, to a wide age range. I featured the tribe in the book. I included the earth dam in the illustrations and culturally, specific details to the Barabaig tribe, for further reinforcement of the messages. 
I believe there is profound healing potential for the developed and developing world in learning from and helping one another. It offers wholeness through connection. Encouraging and  implementing a heart of service offers the potential for so much growth.  We are sitting on such abundance in the developed world and yet often our youth and adults don’t feel whole or fulfilled. We have resources and knowledge to share with those in the world who don’t have the abundance we have, nor even basic needs met. No people should be without, there are enough resources for all. In turn, we have much to gain in learning another way of being, to be exposed to deep gratitude, to simply be, to being alive, that I experienced with the Barabaig tribe. The joyfulness among those in the tribe was comforting and beautiful to behold. There is a connection and a beauty to being that we in the developed world would benefit from processing and then emulating. My existence made sense to me, as my heart felt more whole and one with mankind, in Africa. I actually found myself in culture shock when I came home to  the developed world. The love here did not feel readily available among people as compared to how it felt being, among the emotionally available, deeply loving people in the Barabaig tribe and in Tanzania. 

 I am confident that if youth could get on a band wagon about recycling, we need only inform them about the needs in our world for them to “spring into compassionate action.” “Empowering youth with empathy” brings about this compassionate action! 
I also believe the messages, about the power of love and kindness are universal and of paramount importance to reinforce! I believe that where we teach love, kindness, empathy and that we are one in humanity, there is tolerance and acceptance. In teaching if we hurt someone else, we are really hurting ourselves, how could a person choose violence who understands this? How could someone not love and accept every human being who, really understands, we are all part of the human family, we are one? 

National Brain Injury Association- January 29, 2015 (web)

SissyMarySue Paves the Way for Empathy and Hope June 27, 2019

(search SissyMarySue for article)



Fargo Forum (Books)- February 8, 2015



Defying the Odds

UND Alumni Website

October 2019



Brooklyn Center Sun Post- September 4, 2014 (front page) 



- June 23, 2019

Burnsville-Eagan SUn Week- (front page) September 5, 2014

Minneapolis Star Tribune-February 22, 2015

SissyMarySue'sworldhouseopenimage1 (3).jpeg

Copyright 2021


Diversity Message Jelly Beans.png

St Cloud, MN, USA

  • facebook

©2021 by SissyMarySue Education Fund

 Proudly created with

Mbeesha, his son, Nichole Smaglick, & SissyMarySue a.k.a Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser

We go through life quite a while

Logging many an emotional mile

Before it becomes clear
The beauty of life has always been here

Inspired by Barabaig Tribe  

Inclusion: Plays, Books, Music, TV

What's New

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We encourage the involvement of the entire school through creative play pedagogy in the safety of their classrooms

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play


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We are grateful for opportunities
to share our one act as a;
SEL, Creative Play, Clean Water, Shared Humanity, animal conservation—multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary tool for students at high school, middle school or elementary level! Messsage us to find out how to produce this at your school in the USA or anywhere in the world. We will share how to get access to our script and songs!

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play -while involving the entire school- especially to recognize and include the students not performing in the play. We see this as an all inclusive way to involve everyone in the arts and with the multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary content. This encourages all students in a school with Creative Play Pedagogy to play through scenes in the emotional safety of their own classroom, explore foreign language iterations of them, as well as writing, music, singing, visual art, mini set design, science, with -clean water, animal conservation and culturally specific dioramas, puppets and so on!



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Reviews above on back covers for MOM'S CHOICE AWARDED,

FIVE STAR, Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope (2014)



Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope, Book 2 (2019)












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One Act Musical & Book

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CLICK to LISTEN -Sparkle, Sparkle!


           Remastered SINGLE: One Child Cries 

Thanks to Anthony!  The lyrics/words for the song- in            EMPATHY AIRLINES (2019) FREE-YOUTUBE

One Child Cries SingleART (1).jpg

        Music Collection: 
         Album & Singles
LISTEN for FREE Youtube-CLICK Cover

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December of 2023 8th & 9th

Performed by 3rd, 4th, & 5th graders at Lakes International Language Academy Lower School (LILA Lower)

Directed by:
Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser-Tingblad a.k.a SissyMarySue

Co & Tech Directed by:
Intern Tristen Ray

Assistant Directors:
Lynsie Finamore
Isabella Boras
Jay Dreher

Script & Lyrics by:


Nov. 2018 &

April 4.5 2019!



Montainge Medal, Globally Mindful, Mom's Choice,

Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope

Directed by

Carrie Carlson

Script & Lyrics by SissyMarySue


Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope is a play for our times.  I saw it in a children’s theater (Hanifl Performing Arts Center), but was aware that the audience, made up of many adults as well, were enthralled with the message of love and understanding empathy. We as a culture are hungry for this message.  The story embraced us all.

Karen Monson MA


A delightful musical play with a message of compassion that is a life's lesson for the young performers and audience of all ages. Sandy Schley PhD




(Virtual Author) CILC



Listed as:

Author SissyMarySue

(Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser)


The unlikely pairing of a sad little girl and a captured cheetah discover how much they share in common when they embark on an adventure in friendship. They've both experienced profound loss, but persevere through sharing empathy, kindness, joy, and love. Together they learn about their connection to the human family and to all, which provides for their self-esteem and a feeling of wholeness.

The book and plays empower youth with empathy to spring into compassionate action!

Compassionate action refers to the positive impact youth can make in their communities and in the world by caring about the plight of all people. Set in Tanzania, Africa with the Barabaig tribe, the book encourages youth to identify with the characters as they experience difficulty, persevere, model empathy, and then are shown empathy by the tribe. Together, these special friends punctuate our interconnections and further demonstrate our connection to all, including the endangered cheetah, showing that we all belong.

Rachel Anderson interviewed Wendy and reviewed the Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope children's book. 

- - - - - - - - -

Read All About it


Read all about the author Dr. Wendy

Muhlhauser-Tingblad and how Jelly Beans the Cheetah and Hope story began as a tool for teaching EMPATHY!


APA Citation

Muhlhauser, W. J. (2021). Creative Play for Teaching Empathy to Young Children: an Inner Exploration of an Instructor's Process, a Visual and Narrative Journey (Doctoral dissertation, Fielding Graduate University).


See documentary HERE 






    Visit   SissyMarySue   on Youtube

Screenshot 2023-09-15 161205.png
Screenshot 2023-09-15 161205.png

We are grateful for opportunities
to share our one act as a;
SEL, Creative Play, Clean Water, Shared Humanity, animal conservation—multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary tool for students at high school, middle school or elementary level! Messsage us to find out how to produce this at your school in the USA or anywhere in the world. We will share how to get access to our script and songs!

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play -while involving the entire school- especially to recognize and include the students not performing in the play. We see this as an all inclusive way to involve everyone in the arts and with the multicultural, multidimensional, multidisciplinary content. This encourages all students in a school with Creative Play Pedagogy to play through scenes in the emotional safety of their own classroom, explore foreign language iterations of them, as well as writing, music, singing, visual art, mini set design, science, with -clean water, animal conservation and culturally specific dioramas, puppets and so on!

We encourage the involvement of the entire school through creative play pedagogy in the safety of their classrooms

We seek to empower educators & leaders with best practices to create the Play and optimize the learning potential of this Musical Play

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 Children's Educational TV 

SissyMarySue'sworldhouseopenimage1 (3).jpeg

Well-Being, PLAY, and FUN FUTURE - TV Programs for YOUTH ! 


We are planning more than one- children's Television Show based on characters from SissyMarySue books, as well as NEW characters. We are also planning another aviation focused show too for older youth-to interest them in aviation with copyrighted name of book 2.


We seek to encouarge inclusion in aviation--we want all kids to imagine themselves in the field of aviation!

One TV program is derived in part from the extensive plan created by Dr. Wendy Muhlhauser-Tingblad in her previous Media, Technology and Innovation doctoral class before she earend her doctorate. One working title is SissyMarySue World School House. That name may still be adapted. The plan is evloving too!



Listen to SissyMarySue's Poem/Song inspired... 
 by Barabaig TRIBE- TO SIMPLY BE

We go through life quite a while

Logging many an emotional mile 

Before it becomes clear 

The beauty of life has always been here

We had been too consumed to see

The simplicity and beauty

to simply be!   

Barabaig Tribe

         Following an inspirational humanitarian trip to Tanzania, Africa, I was compelled to offer programs, in schools to teach about the beauty of the Barabaig tribe's culture, as well as, to inform about the scarcity of basic needs for most in the world. I wanted to inform too about the need for clean water-that we had provided in the form of an earth dam. I also sought to punctuate our shared humanity that we are the human family as well as, having a heart of service to others. This tribe had much to teach us about the beauty of knowing, how to simply be. They were emotionally available, loving, grateful, peaceful and harmonious people, living simply, in a village. 
    First, I taught about the tribe, in schools for four years. Next, I found myself compelled to write a children's book offering a unique, fictional main character to interest and ignite student's imaginations. My hope was that this book could more effectively teach empathy in general, as well as, how it relates to caring about the plight of all people, to a wide age range. I featured the tribe in the book. I included the earth dam in the illustrations and culturally, specific details to the Barabaig tribe, for further reinforcement of the messages. 
I believe there is profound healing potential for the developed and developing world in learning from and helping one another. It offers wholeness through connection. Encouraging and  implementing a heart of service offers the potential for so much growth.  We are sitting on such abundance in the developed world and yet often our youth and adults don’t feel whole or fulfilled. We have resources and knowledge to share with those in the world who don’t have the abundance we have, nor even basic needs met. No people should be without, there are enough resources for all. In turn, we have much to gain in learning another way of being, to be exposed to deep gratitude, to simply be, to being alive, that I experienced with the Barabaig tribe. The joyfulness among those in the tribe was comforting and beautiful to behold. There is a connection and a beauty to being that we in the developed world would benefit from processing and then emulating. My existence made sense to me, as my heart felt more whole and one with mankind, in Africa. I actually found myself in culture shock when I came home to  the developed world. The love here did not feel readily available among people as compared to how it felt being, among the emotionally available, deeply loving people in the Barabaig tribe and in Tanzania. 

 I am confident that if youth could get on a band wagon about recycling, we need only inform them about the needs in our world for them to “spring into compassionate action.” “Empowering youth with empathy” brings about this compassionate action! 
I also believe the messages, about the power of love and kindness are universal and of paramount importance to reinforce! I believe that where we teach love, kindness, empathy and that we are one in humanity, there is tolerance and acceptance. In teaching if we hurt someone else, we are really hurting ourselves, how could a person choose violence who understands this? How could someone not love and accept every human being who, really understands, we are all part of the human family, we are one? 

National Brain Injury Association- January 29, 2015 (web)

SissyMarySue Paves the Way for Empathy and Hope June 27, 2019

(search SissyMarySue for article)



Fargo Forum (Books)- February 8, 2015



Defying the Odds

UND Alumni Website

October 2019



Brooklyn Center Sun Post- September 4, 2014 (front page) 



- June 23, 2019

Burnsville-Eagan SUn Week- (front page) September 5, 2014

Minneapolis Star Tribune-February 22, 2015

SissyMarySue'sworldhouseopenimage1 (3).jpeg

Copyright 2021


Diversity Message Jelly Beans.png
Thank You Hearts.png

St Cloud, MN, USA

  • facebook

©2021 by SissyMarySue Education Fund

 Proudly created with

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